At Jungle Academy we're keen to engage in sport and physical activities of all kinds. Big Games on a Friday is arguably the students favorite class of the week and our Running Club is well attended on both Mondays and Wednesdays.
After spending the weekend in San Jose to watch the Women's Under 20s World Cup final we're proposing to set down a foundation to make a Jungle Academy Football (Soccer) team.
We fully realize that this is something that will take time to create, but our hope is to work towards having a team that can play other schools of similar aged teams in the future.
Going forward, we are proposing that on Friday, Big Games will be from 2:30 - 3:15 and then immediately followed by Football Training for any students that are interested.
3:15 - 4:00
Those not interested can either watch from the sidelines and support the team or go home, if a parent has arrived.