Please note the following important dates:
1: Tuesday, February 22
2. Saturday, April 02

Feb 22. Open Day @ 2:30pm
2:30pm: We invite current and new families to join us for a short update on the first weeks at the Jungle Academy, an overview of our flow and the classes so far, what we are learning, as well as an opportunity to meet some of the teachers.
3pm: After that we will open the new Llank'ay Temple with a small ceremony, giving thanks to the land and our community, and reaffirming our intention to be in service in this world.
Additionally, there is also a *Parent Workshop* happening earlier in the day at 1:30pm to offer a taster of the Parent Program being offered for free at OJA. This is a great opportunity for parents to connect with one another and be supported in supporting their children. For more information visit
Please feel free to invite friends and RSVP to let us know.
Apr 02. Jungle Fantasia Festival Day
Join us for a fun afternoon of music, performances, games, food, art and disco. Think mid-summer's night dream ... in the jungle! More to come but mark the date and spread the word for now. All ages and all families are welcome!
* All above events are offered free of charge.